Tales of the Guig

By Guigphotography

365 #87 - Hangin' Loose

The monthly challenge theme is street photography and I wanted to use this to continue to shake off some of my own previous constraints.
I used to have a tendency to get a little too hung up on symmetry or composition and since I don't tend to keep or use anything that requires more than about 60 seconds editing or processing, a fair bit of spontaneous work was hitting the bin.
A review of masters such as Oscar Marzaroli (my hero) or Gary Winogrand reminded me that there's much more to photography than pin sharp detail and straight lines, so other than a slight crop, this quickly taken shot is soft, grainy and pretty loose. And that feels good.
As for the subject - Aside from the earphone wires I thought this girl had a fairly timeless quality about her. She didn't ask about the photograph.

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