at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant


This is the best tempered dog I have ever met. She belongs to Becky and baby Edith and is obsessed with fetch (yes Mum, this is the dog whose stick you threw onto a roof). Ivy tends to push things away when she tries to grab them, so her attempting to get the dogs ball resulted in the two of them playing together. It was very funny.

We went to ladies who lunch at Becky s house - had very tasty risotto and salad (and of course Guinness).

Did some Tutoring of the higher history students in the evening and solved a bit of a mystery. Their Teacher had told them they had to reference 8 books. You do not reference in higher history and I could not for the life of me work out where she'd got 8 from. Turns out it was my fault, last year I made a log book for my class to work through and I wanted them to read books, after they kept demanding to know exactly how many books, it'd come up with the number 8 out of thin air. Turns out the girls had been given this resource again this year, with their new teachers name on it and I guess that's where she got the number. I'm rather flattered, it was a great resource, glad it's being used.

Also saw my former advanced higher pupil, whose at Stirling studying. She brought ivy a lovely jumper with shoulder patches.

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