BoHingles Blips

By BoHingles


....of daffodils in amongst many many more.

Firstly I'd like to thank everyone who viewed, rated and favourited yesterdays blip which helped me get on the Spotlight for my first time...I loved it :) but made getting a stand out image today a struggle.

Today was not a bad day at work and I know a few people who had a much worse day so I'll gladly take mine.

On my hour commute to work I pass a huge array of planted Daffodils that are bunched beautifully in sections of darker and lighter ones. Generally I'm in a rush to get to work or get back but today I stopped to photograph them. Probably two days past their best and with a fading wet light I noticed these three stand out from the crowd.

Thanks for stopping by

Mr Bo Hingles

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