
By phoenixrising


Indeed those were the days, Tuesday nights local gig me riding pilion, long hair flowing in the wind, no crash helmet. Excitement, I just love motor bikes, the sound, the feel, the look. Take to the roads pure freedom.

My day, didn#t sleep at all so this morning was quite hard, wanted to just stay wrapped up in a duvet, watch rubbish day time television, eat comfort food - but hey ho. Forced myself to have a shower, had breakfast. got dressed and off to Barnsley for my creative writing class. How glad was I, such a lovely supportive group everyone pleased to see each other, appreciated the effort some of us have to make. Most of all the class is full of creativity and humour, really good exercise led by Averil. Going deep inside ourselves, emptied our minds and came up with random words, everyone had a difference experience.

Then after coffee break we went back and spent time using the words to create either a story, piece of prose or a poem. I wrote a poem which I will work on in the next few weeks. Then slowly home admiring the views, didn't see any more motor bikes.

Popped into the market, got some fruit and veg then home and have chilled ever since. Very very important to take a deep breath and go that little bit further than you think you can. Very pleased with myself.

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