My Best Efforts - Year 3


More Tulips......

...........these looking rather well in amongst the strappy leaves of Dutch Iris - which should flower not too long after the tulips finish. The tulips seem to be doing well this year and appear to have multiplied somewhat - which is good.

Anni is in Tampa and will be in her element taking pictures of tall buildings - she loves the uniformity of most of them. Not very warm, I think, but so far dry.
The Alstroemeria she gave me on the 10th March have just started to drop their petals - they have done so well and, believe it or not, there are still a couple of "mums" left from the 2nd of March!!

The sun is shining here after rain late yesterday - not very warm though - 37 Deg.F.

Hope the sun is shining for you too - take care of yourselves.

P.S. And here is one of my usual bits of useless information! :-

...........Originally from Persia and Turkey, tulips were brought to Europe in the 16th century, where they got their common name from the Turkish word for gauze - "tulband" - (with which turbans were wrapped) - reflecting the turban-like appearance of a tulip in full bloom. By the 17th century, the popularity of tulips, particularly in the Netherlands, became so great that the price of a single bulb soared to new heights, causing markets to crash and putting into motion "tulip" mania, though contrary to popular belief, did not cause bankruptcies though the prices did slump enormously.

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