
With limited and unknown amount of brightness and a certain tiredness from a certain ramble to Palestine yesterday, I realised I should try and get something of the wonderful daffodils in Salisbury Arts Centre grounds.

But how do you get something different? Every Blipper and their Uncle has done a daff Blip. I tried low down and got wet and dirty and the fisheye doesn't focus close enough. One from down there could have been a Blip but I have always rather liked the dark red paint-work on this old school, now a nursery. So, with the fisheye including more than you really want, including the tree behind me, but at least not my feet! - I lined up the school too. A few bits of cherry blossom have Photobombed their way in too...

Not bad at all on LARGE

A day to do grocery shopping - where does food actually go?? - try a Netflix movie or two on the new PC screen and general chores. It's cold out, the weather well dodgy, why endure it more than I need to, after yesterday's Stroll?

Thanks everybody for helping get the Blip from that up onto the first page of the Spotlights - cheers!

Lens is Nikkor D 16mm f2.8 fisheye

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