My life

By pops


Difficult blip today, it's 10 years since I lost this wonderful lady, my mum. Throughout the day I've been looking for something that really reminded me of her, there's so much!
An angora scarf that has seen better days, is no longer soft wool but is worn and faded, kept for sentiment not practicality.
A ruby ring bought for her by my dad to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary in 1988, dad sadly passed away a few years before they reached their 50th.
A vegetable knife that she kept by her side when she was chair, and then bed bound, used for peeling apples and pears and cutting them into neat segments to eat, she was never one to pick up a whole piece of fruit and take a bite now the best veg knife I have and used daily.
A bunch of spray carnations, burgundy red or pale yellow, she treated herself to a bunch every week regardless of how many other flowers she may have in the house.
Her collection of Dick Francis novels that still adorn my bookcase, the Daily Express crossword, any puzzle book, the Countdown clock, all things that kept her mind active when her body started to let her down.

In the end I've cheated! Going on Facebook I found this photo that my niece had posted, definitely not the best picture of mum but not expecting to see it there it stopped me in my tracks, so not really a photo I've taken today but it is a photo of a photo and it's my mum. Love and miss you always xx

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