Wuthering Heights

Teachers Strike. Al still went to Emerson House and Betsy and I took him then came home and watched Wuthering Heights. We finished the book last night and - as I had hoped - Betsy was blown away.

I well remember how I felt when I finished that book for the first time. I wished that I had somehow been able to know how much I would love it when I began it, so I could double savour every word. Even though I immediately turned back to the first page and read it again, it could never be the same.

I thought that it would be impossible to ever have the impact of discovering a new book for the first time, whilst knowing it is something you love. However, I have found that it is possible when reading by favourite books with Betsy. I know that I love them and they are wonderful; and I can share in her discovery of them. To Kill A Mockingird, Lord of the Flies, ..... I don't always get it right,Hideous Kinky being a prime example.

Anyway, she loved Wuthering Heights. She said she couldn't sleep last night because she was thinking about it so much. So today we watched the Ralph Finnes & Juliet Binoche version. I enjoyed it and thought it looked perfect and most of the actors were perfect. I've got a bit of a Jeremy Northam thing going on, so I was disappointed to see him as evil Hindley, but that's just a hangover from seeing him in Emma!

Betsy and I took Charlie for a walk in Bushey Park where in an hour we experienced sun, rain. Wuthering wind and even hail! We saw this tree and thought it looked dramatic and Betsy felt the need to grab it in the manner of a demented Heathcliff saying, 'I 'avern't waited ere all naght for you to tell me she's dead!'

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