Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Well I wasn't expecting this tonight as its been low cloud all afternoon. Didn't have far to go, just the back garden. It was amazing to watch and no processing was done.

Rescued a chaffinch earlier which had flown into a window, it was dazed so I put it in the cat basket in the garden for an hour or so and kept checking on it. It eventually recovered and I opened the door and off it flew. Its mate which also hit the window appeared to have died, but when I went to remove it a few hours later it had disappeared. Had it made a miraculous recovery or had the cat from down the lane taken it. It wasn't Sasha as she was indoors. I've now ordered some ultra violet stickers for the windows as the current ones are quite old now and need replacing, they really do work!

Misty says thanks for all your comments and stars on her blip yesterday, she's trying not to get big headed about it all and sends lots of woofs :)

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