Busy Beaver
This poor willow tree has been attacked many times over the years and even though it's about 3' across now and very misshapen, the beavers still want to chop it down! We've had it wired but they are just going higher and higher! The beavers haven't been around for a couple of years since someone put a large culvert under the road and redirected a creek but it's nice to see they're back. This damage was done overnight and I'm always amazed at the power of those teeth.
Once we were away for a week or so and they chopped down a huge aspen behind the house. We got out the chain saw and stacked the logs beside the trunk and piled the branches to take to the shredding facility at the dump. Away for a few more days and came back to no brush and no logs! They had taken them all! Saved me a lot of work but I wish I'd seen a beaver dragging those logs to the lake.
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