With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Take a little water with it

We got to bed at 2.30 a.m. after our tasting menu and cata adventure last night, at a furniture shop of all places. We had a great time and a lot of wine. Five kinds in all, which I will put on the blog later. By all rights, I should have had a headache this morning.

I found it a little bit difficult getting out of bed, but once the children were in school, I headed down to the square to meet my friend Jackie. I felt great! Got lunch ready after a little shopping, collected the gaggle of little ones from school etc. etc. and survived all with remarkably little trouble. Both of the boys had matches at different ends of the island, so I took Agu to his first match proper ever. After he worked out which goal they were supposed to go for, he did much better! Ben's just returned. They lost, but are playing much better.

I can't help feeling that I have got away with last night far too easily. It must have been the dilution factor of the rain or the Mallorquin sausage they served with the wine.

This is the torrent going throught the middle of town. It's considerably fuller than usual, as the recent storms percolate down the mountainside.

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