
By AliGillies91

Strathclyde University Colours

Tonight was the dreaded Sports Union AGM, which rarely finishes earlier than 9pm. Fortunately our Sports President this year is an avid football fan and he had the desire to get things finished before the Manchester derby.

It was only tonight that I realised how much the Sports Union had managed this year. From being one of the first universities in Britain to partner up with a mental health organisation, Breathing Space, to having Strathclyde's largest ever Sports Awards Ball, to carrying out the pilot year of our Performance Coaching Investment Strategy (PCIS). It really has been a very successful year and it was nice to have been recognised for the work I had put in by receiving University Colours.

However, this was my last Sports Union AGM as I decided to stand down with a large workload set to greet me next year at university. It was a fantastic experience and one that has definitely helped me improve a number of personal skills. I'd thoroughly recommend taking up a position on a university committee to any student. It certainly is a case of the old cliché, "you get as much out of it as you put in".

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