....décopatched!! Having blipped info about Kraft Monkey on the 20th March, and after a hectic weekend and an emotional Monday, I decided to sit down yesterday and start my new project.

I am now a convert! I found a glass that needed some love and attention, switched on my favourite music, tore up paper into small pieces then pasted them onto the glass and made this beautiful object. The pearl drops were a little more difficult to put on than the paper, but I got better as I worked my way round the top of the glass and it was all finished in less than an hour and I felt good!

The little wooden box is my next project but I am now looking round for more items to décopatch and no doubt the charity shops will do well out of me - I will make lots of presents, they will get more donations, so it's a win/win situation!

I will be taking the glass, which is now a beautiful tealight holder, and will be someone's birthday present before too long, into school this morning to show them because it is so easy that even small children could do it.

Thank you so much to everyone who left a comment yesterday - I told Estelle's daughter to be sure to look and read them out to her, which she did - they are all very grateful to Estelle's blip friends all over the world. You are a great bunch and always come up trumps when the need arises.

Can miles truly separate you from friends...
If you want to be with someone you love,
aren't you already there?”
Richard Bach

Apologies again from me for lack of commenting - I am feeling the strain of the last few weeks and think I need to just step back a little - but I will certainly still be looking at your blips. Bless you all.

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