blue reflections...

...of my great blue


what a total surprise - and great joy today - to see the great blue - out and about at my little lake - actually i wasn't even aware of him - until someone pointed him out to me - high up in a tree - doing his grooming thing - then, of course, i couldn't contain myself - began the sweet talk - in an attempt to coax him down - he simply stared at me for several minutes - even yawning at one point - i mean, really - boo! however - within about 10 minutes - those huge wings spread - down he swooped over the water - in all his gloriousness - he did a bit of fishing - before circling the lake 2x more - i caught him doing a wonderful dunking into the water - what a splendid moment - even in the chill of a fine spring day - the cooler temps didn't seem to bother him - such sheer unexpected pleasure - to be able to engage with nature up close and personal - i never tire of it - the thrill it gives me - seeing the interplay of colors between the varying forces of water, land, animal - it's all so much bigger than me - the perfect recipe for...


happy day.....

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