
4years 155days

Ebay bargain. Katie says its a monkey on the side. She loves them a lot. She's worn them twice in four days. She rarely wants to wear the same thing in proximity to the last wearing.

She had me in stitches this morning, climbing on me, licking me, hiding, giggling, and generally being her early morning adorable self. She sat beside me on her little stool as I sewed some trousers for her. She made herself a bowl of rice crispies. A giant bowl, that she put into her bowl tiny spoonful after tiny spoonful. Most of it even went in the bowl.

Lesley told me that Katie had her in stitches today. They were talking about the weather, as they do every day. She asked the children "What is the weather like today?". She called on Katie to answer, who'd put her hand up and looked very keen to answer. Katie looked at her, deadpan, and said "It's gorgeous!"

She was chattery with Granny and Grandad tonight after nursery. Ate a big plate of spaghetti bolognese, from on my lap. Then curled up on me and went to sleep. I put her to bed. She woke and asked for her pudding. She ate a small amount of pudding, then dosed on me and on Grandad. She was very soon back to sleep.

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