
.......Boring blip alert!

So, this damn wall??!! Its becoming a bit of a burden!

Mr W is very particular. He likes things clean and tidy. I do my best! He tolerates my untidyness!!! But this wall - however hard we try - will not stay brilliant white!!!! This upsets Mr W!

Its looking far better than it did here but he's most upset that there is still staining coming through the paint despite umpteen layers of PVA and about 3 coats of masonry paint. Its appears to be where the stump of the ivy bush was.

Any suggestions????

I do plan on growing some plants back up it. I think Iv decided on a red climbing rose. Still to convince Mr W! He would rather it stayed brilliant white, but at least a climbing rose can get cut back each year and the wall repainted!

But its still impossible to keep an exterior wall brilliant white. When will he realise that!!!!!

Apologies for the mundane nature of this blip - but its whats current in my life right now! Wall dilemmas!!!!!!

On other news - we went on an ornate cast iron hinge search today ready for a cupboard Mr W is meant to be making me. We've only had the reclaimed oak for 100 a year or so and hes finally got round to thinking about it! We found some hinges today with a Heart on the end! and He liked them. RESULT!!!!!


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