Warm Days Ahead

Tripswitch - Stereogram

Another warm day today, and another good day also. I received some really cool gifts from students, including Choc Mint M&Ms and even though it's unnecessary, it's really nice to know that you're making some sort of impact on people. Having recovered and overcome a bout of hay fever and sickness, I feel stronger physically and mentally.

I listened to a podcast today, which I never or rarely do, by the Bulletproof Executive on alternative exercise routines and stress on the body (Episode #26) referred to by a friend (pictured yesterday). It was very interesting. The views that I made through listening was that depending on your diet you can effectively create a better you without putting undue stress on yourself. It dictates the quality of your output. Furthermore, you are choosing what to put into you that makes you that way and technically controlling the eventual output of your body and ultimately your expression. In essence, it's up to you on how you treat yourself and then how you treat others. It's a hard cycle to break, but should you choose to make that first step to bettering yourself, you can make better for others and vice versa. It's a dynamic relationship.

I'm talking vaguely here, and sadly I don't have the eloquence nor the expression as of this moment to concisely convey my ideas, however, you probably feel where I'm coming from. You choose how you treat yourself and what you create for others. Bringing it back to today's events, I'm happy but more so surprised that I was able to make a difference. Thank you.

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