
By Kangaroo


In the process of transformation into a pumpkin a few minutes before midnight...

I chose a track before ...I don't even like it...now...

Inany sung by Tiddas

Another version

Inany is a nonsense song of lullaby that was sung to the singer-songwriter as a childhood song. Having sung a front part with another women at a concert but that performance not recorded my favourite is our interpretation:) That performance presented an extreme-slow rendition of the song sung by the two women's voices to open the number and allowed a natural grate and discordance of their unison to provide harmony ...and the acapella all-women's choir behind taking up the song in the nature of a game repeating the slow rendition and increasing the tempo of each subsequent one to its conclusion in the manner of children playing a game of getting faster. My interpretation of the 'sneezing' sound was to attempt to give the tschooo tone a slight curve (with a rising and downward tone) but so the sound is more similar in meaning to a coo-ee used in the Australian bush to identify someone's location relative to a caller. The overall style of the singing of the song was conceived of by the director of the choir. Permission was secured from Tiddas to perform the song under copyright law.

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