
Over the years, I have learnt that the best gift to give is your time. That might be time spent doing something thoughtful for someone, making them something, saving them time by doing something mundane, but necessary. Sometimes the best time you can give is just to have time to listen.

When Kirsty texted me offering to take some photos of Cousteau and me in a place that was special for us and then caught the bus all the way out to Rangiora to do so, I was immensely touched by such a thoughtful gesture.

When I saw the photos, I was even more touched.

Thank you so much, Kirst. It's a dreary old day, I'm flat out busy and all I could find to photograph was a manky old fly! But the gift of your time and your talent on a sunny Saturday afternoon has really made my day.

Keep in touch; I can't wait to see where your photography takes you and Nick next ... maybe for a visit to Oz ...?


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