Journey Through Time

By Sue

Fox Sparrow

This isn't that great of a shot, I know...but this is a new bird for me. I have not knowingly ever seen a Fox Sparrow before. I have never seen one in our back yard, but this one was up at the Wildlife Botanical Garden today, enjoying the amenities. Robins, Spotted Towhees and Golden Crowned Sparrows were all taking turns in the spa, some nicely, other's shooing the other one away. It was fun to watch.

My poor Bill has a cold, but he soldiered on and got the lawn mowed and did some general yard work. I told him don't you dare breathe on me.

I did grocery shopping today and I came home with a lot of stuff, but not that much food. I saw one of those ads in my e-mail and I clicked on it and it was for Dine 2Nite....and that actually sounded really good. Sign up and they bring you dinner every night for 5 nights...or however many nights you want. The menu is whatever they are making that day, but just about all their dinners sounded good to me. But then, I was getting hungry. It's only $10 a dinner and I thought for a single person that would be okay. Take the worry out of fussing with dinner.

A lovely warm day, with clouds heading in and rain to follow.

See ya.

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