Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Hello blossom ....

If doing stuff was a sport I would have won a bronze medal today ... Tomorrow (Tuesday ) the Spanish exchange student arrives (the one where Eve went to stay with her a few weeks back) and I needed to prep the spare room also known as Jakes room as it's decorated to his specification .. I hope she likes pirates and dinosaurs ..... I also managed to get a few loads of washing dried on the line and it all smells delicious ..... I shall not bore you with the rest but I must tell you that Velvet Bog eyes from next door used me as a guinea pig again for one of her products she sells and I had a strange face mask thing applied and had to lie almost upside down so it sets better and then it was so tight you cannot move much in the facial area ... The children poked fun at me and I looked like something from a horror film ... Mind you my skin does feel lovely now ....... I rather like it when she asks me to be a testing human .....

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