
By Nigel

A Scanner, Lightly

Went to Stills Gallery this morning to have a go on the Hasseblad Flextight X1 scanner. It's very impressive and at £15 and hour it's not too badly priced. Scans at 320dpi (6400 on 35mm film) up to 4.6 DMax, which is quite a lot if you aren't familiar with the techie jargon. Took me a while to get used to using a mac again and since my induction was nearly a year ago I lost 10 or 15 minutes trying to work out how to turn it on. Unfortunately I forgot to put anything in my bag to clean the hegs so it is going to take a while to touch them up in the house.

Busy watching Inglourious Basterds which I'm enjoying immensely and must get back to it.

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