Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Another rhododendron!

Yep, another one, I'm afraid! I did take a couple of other things, but they weren't too good. This specimen stands beside the garden entrance - you can see the roof of our Reception building at bottom right.

This is probably a hybrid - most likely Rhododendron macabeanum crossed with Rhododendron sinogrande, and probably moved from somewhere else in the Woodland Garden many years ago as they hybridise and seed themselves around. True Rh. macabeanum, from Assam and Manipur, has primrose yellow flowers, and true Rh. sinogrande, from Yunnan, Upper Burma and SE Tibet, has much bigger leaves. Whatever it is, it's lovely. I think it might be two plants grown together, as most years one half flowers earlier than the other.

The next three days I'm in Glasgow and Edinburgh on training courses, so I can more or less guarantee that the next three Blips will not be rhododendrons!

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