All Curves ...

I did this great photo shoot of a lovely lady I have known for a while she wanted a small photo shoot of herself to give to her husband for Christmas and also for herself as she has always wanted one done.

We had a great time and a right old laugh.

I took this image of her as she says her husband loves her bottom. She has such great curves and a lovely bottom even if I say so myself.

I am a little jealous of her to say the least, she is 51 years old and she looks great.

Here is another image I took of her her lovely leather jacket and jeans

Thankyou for a great shoot, it was great fun.

Tracey xxx


I spoke to Brickmaker on the telephone this morning, it was so great to hear his voice and his accent, I told him how much the brick meant ot me and he said "It is only a brick Tracey" with a hint of a laugh, I said "ONLY A BRICK ... I dont think so ... haha".

Eric and I are hoping to meet up with Brickmaker and his wife when they next come to Great Yarmouth, I can not wait to meet him and also a blipper.

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