Moving Into The Unknown

By dvdlodi


Although I'm not at all sure of her real name, I called her "Esperanza" today. "Hope" in Spanish. I visited Coyotepe, which was a secret torture prison used by Somoza and the National Guard during the civil war in Nicaragua. While learning about the brutal history under this dictator, I spotted the eyes of "Esperanza" peering up at me, her face lighting up with a smile. Despite what may seem like a past that has doomed the future of Nicaragua - I have hope whenever I see faces like this. Beautiful people who can and will make a difference. I know this to be true, because the eyes of my little Esperanza have already made a difference in me. I feel more committed to the work of Nicaraguan NGO's like AMOS Health & Hope (Salud y Esperanza) than ever before. There is a tremendous power to be found in everyday people all over the world - Hope is one of those people.

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