Double Chocolate Loaf Cake

Voted a winner!

Yesterday's banner in the sky showed Frome's new motto. This motto was created as one part of Foreground's latest project, Instructions for an Ordinary Utopia, which "features new art works made especially for Frome by leading British artists Simon & Tom Bloor, Peter Liversidge and Ruth Proctor". Apparently, this motto is "a message of hope and aspiration that will manifest itself like a political campaign in the town: as button badges, advertising
banners, on social media and even flown in the skies above the town on particular days."

The overall aim of this project is to make "an ordinary town a little
less ordinary." Frankly, I think something wonderful has been happening in Frome for some considerable time, as it's now a vibrant, busy, buzzy and generally UNordinary place that's great to live in.

And call me old-fashioned, but I do not see "help(ing) Peter Liversidge realise his proposal to scatter 10,000 one pence pieces onto the streets of Frome" as a work of art.

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