A Ford resting

I think it's resting rather than dead.

The owner of this Ford station wagon parks it at one my neighbours. He drives a sort of restored version of this and his intention is to restore this one. Hence, just resting ;-)

Yesterday's Bedford vans was the catalyst for many wonderful memories via your comments. I was surprised and delighted with your response. I wonder what today's Ford will bring?

Yesterday's plants are planted (except for the Marigolds. I forgot to plant Marigolds. How do you miss bright yellow Marigolds?!). I've also attacked edges and tussock grasses that seem to grow by the hour. They've had a 'hair cut' now so I'll be able to get the mower under them.

It's still cold and I made the mistake of thinking I could leave down vest at home and manage with a hooded wind proof fleece jacket. My little fan heater blasted away and I had to put the hood of my jacket on. I'm feeling decidedly chilled so an early night for me.

Edit: changed the crop. Thanks 42 :-)

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