Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Lovely weekend

Such a nice relaxing weekend. I actually feel refreshed and ready for another week. We even watched a film last night, whilst supping my wine, something we haven't done for approx 10 weeks!

Today we went into town to spend some more of the vouchers we were given when A was born. He is steadily growing out of his 0-3 clothes so a trip to Next to restock the wardrobe was becoming quite necessary. We also took a lovely walk around the cathedral. The sun was warm and the gardens were in full bloom.

Not so much fun to be had in he BHS cafe though. After taking A for a nappy change I was just about to leave the changing room when there was a knock on the door. I opened the door to see a BHS staff member. "Oh hi. What's wrong??" I said. "Well you have been in there quite a while and some other people are waiting" she replied. Oh, I thought I hadn't been long so I kinda just shrugged at A in my arms and wandered off in a confused daze. Only upon returning to our table and telling Mr J what had happened I realised how bloody rude she was! Mr J wasn't happy at all and went off in search of the store manager. She promptly came over and was very sympathetic. She also got the member of staff in question to come and apologise to me in person. She was young and very naive so we accepted the apology...but seriously!!

This afternoon was spent mainly watching kids films (toy story and Bambi) and watching the hail/rain outside in the garden.

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