Dereliction and Decay

Today was sunny, chilly with the occasional hail shower.
This is Rock Nook Mill in Littleborough (near Rochdale) - the original 'home' for Fothergill & Harvey Ltd (probably the biggest employer in Littleborough).

They developed from a cotton weaver, progressing to glass fibres, aramids and carbon fibre.
They were acquired by Courtaulds in 1987 and through the usual relocations, mergers etc., Rock Nook Mill became a casualty.
In 1886 it was a proud mill and over the years always looked rather a nice, well maintained mill.
What a change!
Now empty, trashed inside and out, broken windows, broken doors - I've no idea what will happen to it next.
If you view 'Large' you will see more of the extent of the dereliction :-(

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