
By Stansway

Nana has moved in!!!

Only problem is she insisted on taking the photo to mark the event so doesn't appear in the photo, typical Mum!!

So Nana's spending her first night in her brand new house, AKA the west wing of Yewtrees.

Christian is hoovering. . . yes hoovering his room (Nana's room for the last few months) ready to start the next refurbishment!

G managed to break his glasses frame and lose a lens down a drain in one seamless move? So L G Ch & Em had a trip to vision express to sort that and get ideas for Em's 18th, she has surprisingly few at the moment, other than a lizard and a tattoo that is?!?

Em returned home at 2-00am this morning after celebrating Chloe's 18th party at the Wheatsheaf in the village, which begs the obvious question "how old did they think she was" for the last 6 months?

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