Busy Busy Bee

By Leasil

Wadham College

We have had a formal dinner at Wadham College this evening. I met new people and enjoyed seeing the splendid dining hall. It is cool to think that Sir Christopher Wren studied there so probably dined in hall too.

It is always a huge rush when we have a formal dinner. We had a fascinating lecture by Dr Kiran Bedi that finished at 18.15 and then it was pre-dinner drinks at 7. Rush rush rush.

It was fairly chaotic mingling so I didn't see everyone before we went in. I sat with some new people from a different course. Nish sent me a message asking where I was. I assumed he knew I was there and just want to know which table. In a moment of silliness I set him a location snapshot of a different college, and told him I was lost. I regretted that when I saw he had dashed out in the rain to come and find me. Oops. That'll teach me to tease a friend.

Off to the pub now.

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