
By BetsyJem

Last Night On Earth...

Had a great day today. Mum and dad still in Austria so stayed the night at my uncles Jeremy, Tony and Keith's house. We had lunch of sandwiches and chocolate cake and then played a game called Last Night On Earth which was- as you can imagine- a zombie game. It is the story of a town that is being taken by zombies. It is supposed to replicate a film and it really does, as the game starts with you killing loads of zombies and being ahead of it all but ends with you literally being surrounded. I was Johnny (the high school quarterback) and got killed off half way! In this picture, Jenny (the farmers daughter), uncle Tonys character, has been surrounded and trapped in the diner!

Later we had pizza for tea and went on Just Dance on the Wii which was great fun! We watched X Men 1st Class in the evening and then went to bed. It was a late night but it was worth it!

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