
By Scobes

Meanwhile across town.....

....Nancy and I jumped in a taxi to Leith Registry office, signed some paperwork witnessed by my bruv and Mrs LL Cool Jim, ate a hearty french meal in Bleu, Forth Street consisting of

Leek, cumin and Roquefort soup....and more champagne
Salade tiede of chicken livers flamed with Cognac, thyme and challots...more champagne
Roast turkey breast with a cream of Bourbon and pink peppercorns...more champagne
Creme Brulee.....more champagne
Coffee and mints and more champagne

and champagne to finish.

......and then threw a party upstairs at the Cafe Royal in the east end. It was a cracking day with loved ones and friends (some of whom, sadly, are no longer with us) and I still smile when I think about Mrs Scobes at the end of the night, sitting on the stone steps outside with her heels off, chatting to my folks and sister.

We had no photographer and relied upon some ropey shots from friends and family, but we've got the memories.

We jetted off to huricane and tsunami ravaged St.Lucia a few days later. Great holiday, but it would have been nice to have a beach.....carried out to sea by the huge breakers.

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