
By mollymay49

Esculent = Fit to be eaten

A picture tells a thousand words, in this case it says it's my 365th blip, the last entry into my book which will be finished today and sent for shortly.

Thanks to my Sis and Igor who encouraged me into this great world of blip 365 days ago, how did that year fly by so fast?! Here is the trusty camera you gave me almost 365 blips ago, the start of it all. (It's always stuck to my hand)..

Thanks to everyone who left encouraging comments and took the time to look at my entries, I appreciate every star, fav and comment.
DDW for all those "sometimes" hard thought up challenges you have set which I have enjoyed, all our fellow challengers I thank you all sincerely.

thanks to all my family for all their interest and support with this hobby of mine and for being there when I couldn't find anything to blip you were alway there with big smiles to help me out!
And then there is Milo our Lab. a gentle companion who is always at our side.

Thank you blipfoto for this great site.
Here's to the next 365!

Esculent = Fit to be eaten: one red apple..

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