Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Its History.

A very sad time for bookselling at the moment with the imminent closure of Borders looming. Things have been taking a downward turn for a few years now but this really feels like a nail in the coffin.

Although I used to work for the competition I've always loved having a good rummage around Borders and its one of my fave places to go for coffee and a browse. Also the perfect place to ditch my parents in Starbucks so that I could spend a happy hour nosing about the fiction section in peace! ;)

Maggie and I used to frequently meet in here for a hot chocolate and a big goss (usually about what was happening in Waterstone's when we still worked there, lol!) its one of our most regular haunts and more recently it was instumental in providing every amenity needed to plan our America trip next year.

I bumped into my friend K who is part of the mgmt team in Inverness and I've never seen him look so stressed. They have no idea whats going to happen and I think its been very difficult and upsetting.
Fingers crossed that there is still the possibility of a buy-out and it will be saved from liquidation.

Can't help but think that bloody supermarkets shouldn't sell books!! *shaking fist*

I never thought I'd see the day where online sales and supermarkets selling 'shit-lit' (I coin this phrase!) en mass to stupid people (I apologise for offending but everyone has something they feel really strongly about...) would force realbookshops out of the marketplace. There is definitely a place for the likes of Amazon et al on the internet but I'm so saddened that its at the expense the local shop.
If huge companies like Borders can no longer compete then what hope if there for the struggling Independents? I can't imagine not having these places to go and browse in anymore, thats a huge part of reading for me. Its part of how I discover new things and such a pleasurable activity.
Its very sad indeed.

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