my slimming world journey

By cfs010815


Had a good day today, went over to see my parents, and little brother. Was good to see them. one of these days I will get a picture of me and them and post it on here.

The photo today is a patchwork I made when I was 13, so 10 years ago now. Woah, scary. It was made as part of a school project where we had to make a wall hanging of some kind. I was stuck for what to do for ages, until I came up with the idea of showcasing everything I was able to do. My love affair with patchwork had started the year before, when in year 8 we had made patchwork pincushions. Well everyone else had. I think I made a cushion, which my parents still have in the caravan. Anyway, my reason for picking this is because I look at it everyday to remind myself how much better my life is now. Back then I was getting bullied, and threw myself head first into schoolwork and had no friends. Now I have some amazing Friends, a wonderful fiancé, a home of my own and a job I love :)

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