horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

I am smokin' a daffodil

With thanks to Clare for the title.

Total Fox soap opera this morning at my local spot, with toothy greetings, a fight over a caught rat, a large intruder faced up to by three residents, and one of the number with a horrible gash on his back (didn't seem to be bothering him, it wasn't from the fight or the intrusion). I'd gone out a little after 7, and there was only one sleeping fox in sight, but patience paid off, with 5 in one go at the busiest, and all that action. Wound up standing there till after 8.30.... Why on earth would I want to sleep in at weekends?

Off out after breakfast to Hopes Reservoir, hoping (if you'll pardon the pun) to see the hares there for the first time. Bit early for the cuckoos, but we climbed a hill at the end of the reservoir and lo and behold... They're easier to spot with their winter coats not grown out yet.

Also appears to be lamb season again.

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