
A quick scout around the Farmers Market before meeting up with my cousin Mary and her two lovely girls at the Otago Museum. Lovely to see them again and both girls seem to have put on several inches since we last saw them just a few weeks ago.
After returning Mother home in time for her lunch and an afternoon nap I met up with 'A' - my cousins 15 year old - and we spent the rest of the afternoon rummaging through second hand clothing stores looking for bargains. 'A' looking for 1920's style dress and shoes for a party she is going to next month and I found a couple of near new, natural fibre items suitable for the Winter which is just around the corner in this neck of the woods. What a fun time we had rounded off by another coffee, a mocha and a fabulous big bowl of chips with a lovely garlic-y aioli to dip them MMMMM !

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