Gone to the dogs!

The weather has certainly gone to the dogs. Every day I open the blinds I am grey by rain, sleet or hail! What is this global warming crap! It's been freezing, wet and miserable here since November! One of my friends has calculated we have only had 7 days of proper sunshine and none of them consecutive! I am getting seriously pissed off!
On a slightly brighter front, we got Calumina the camper van valeted and she is gleaming inside & out! Was thinking of taking her a run to the Kilmore to see the ploughing competition and have a wee strupag and a picnic but knowing my luck it will be down a farm road full of cac after getting her cleaned. Do I or Don't I..that is the question!
No1 son cooking dinner. Chicken parcels wrapped in bacon followed by slag bol. Sounds relish. I may go out & buy a bottle of plonk to go with it
Sam likes sniffing Daffodils

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