Guinea Pig Zero

By gpzero

The Hikers Speak

The Hikers are both free & strong. L-R: Sarah Shourd, Shane Bauer, Joshua Fattal, & some facilitator guy.

The three former prisoners of the Iranian government, and especially Shane & Sarah, gave vivid descriptions of their two years of endurance and clear statements of solidarity with those who are wrongly imprisoned, and tortured by solitary confinement, worldwide and in the US. They made an excellent presentation of their book A Sliver Of Light, at the library

I have followed the hiker story more carefully than I normally would for its importance, because I know Shon Meckfessel the "Fourth Hiker," who took sick on the day of the arrest. He got a cell phone call from his friends, informing of their arrest, and if it were not for Shon, and Shon being sick that day, all four may well have gone "missing & presumed dead."

Here is footage of the two hikers arriving in Oman (September 2011).

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