Mona Lavender Plectranhus

You probably know its cousin, Swedish Ivy, and other members of the Mint family that are prized for foliage, not flowers. ‘Mona Lavender’ is an adaptable houseplant for partial shade, making a stunning debut after years of development at the Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden in South Africa.

Charmaine bought this one yesterday, I truly hope it will overwhelm us with it's beauty in no time, as promised on the web! LOL

Please check the minute ant on the big flower in the left side of the picture! ;-)

Not much time to look for the perfect pic today, we are so excited to have Ronnie and Anrie for the weekend, Friday is a public holiday and they couldn't visit last weekend! Ohhh, we still miss them dearly, we were so used to them around all day every day!

'One Year Ago' - Gesiggie

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