the colour green

By jukeys

the birthday girl

Elizabeth (AKA Bizzy, Biz, Biz-a-boo, Elizabethan) is 8 today!

Pierre and I had to take Coquine to the vet first thing. She has had blood in her urine for the past couple of days. Turns out she has got an infection in her uterus and she has been given strong antibiotics. Hopefully that will cure it or else she will need an operation.

Pierre then had the dentist, followed by a trip to St. Pantaléon Les Vignes to go and see an apartment. A newly done up flat, 2 bedrooms and good-sized kitchen/living area, but we have been so spoiled with the place we're living in now, it's very hard to compare!

Party time at Le Crestet afterwards. Elizabeth had lots of friends there and got loads of presents. The kids played in the garden all around C and P's new house. Perfect! They were bike-riding, holding chicks, running after roosters, playing with mud, jumping on cut-down tree trunks....such a great place for them to have a party :)

Pierre and I got Bizzy a denim jacket in Avignon on Monday. She'd told me she'd always wanted one, so she seemed to be pleased with her gift :)

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