My life

By pops

A wet day!

Rained on and off all day but I've not ventured out into it myself, I've worked all day on the coursework I was doing last week -finished! Just in time for deadline tomorrow!

They say things come in threes -
1) yesterday a tyre warning light came on in my car on the way home, Mr P checked it for me today and the pressure was down in one of the tyres, as he drove off to go and put some air in I spotted a huge screw on the edge of the tread, unfortunately too close to the edge to be a repair, £'s later I have a new tyre!

2) Martin has just left the house to go to play football his usual thurs night pastime, when he turned the key in the door to lock it, it just spun all the way round and didn't do anything! Screw drivers and lots of cursing later the lock seems jammed solid so at the moment the door is secured with a pipe jammed between the door jambs forcing the handle up so no one can open it - more £'s tomorrow to replace it.

3) .........well let's just hope it's nothing too serious!

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