The wind had dropped a bit overnight but it was still a blowy day. And we had a bit of rain later on. This afternoon I went to The Theatre Royal in Newcastle to see Dial M for Murder. The police inspector was played by Christopher Timothy. I knew the plot as I have seen the film version - and this production was very well done. I enjoyed myself even though I felt very sleepy and could have easily nodded off.
After the theatre I did a bit of shopping in Wilkinsons and Waitrose. I have a free Waitrose card and decided to take advantage of one of the perks - a free cup of coffee. And very nice it was too. I got home around 6pm.
Have hardly seen Neil all week as he has been doing 13 hour shifts. He has been too worn out to even have a meal when he has come home. He is due a day off at the weekend I think.
Today DDW's Forum Challenge word is Nimiety. meaning more than is necessary, surplus, a quantity more than is needed, excess, too much, overabundance. Started wondering what I had an abundance of, what I had too many of - it didn't take long to come up with the answer. HANDBAGS.
I fished out around 16 bags for my blip. Think I have around 70 more in various locations around the house. Oh - and the one which arrived in the post this morning which I bought on ebay this week,. And there is another one due to arrive from China soon.
( My name is Dolly and I have a handbag buying habit.)
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