The Not So Humble Trainer

When and how did the humble training shoe become such a fashion item? Please discuss in my absence as I'm dashing to the airport now to fly off for a much needed break.

Later Edit: Now at the airport with a bit of time to kill. Unfortunately the wi-fi connection is too slow to browse journals effectively so I thought I would post a thank you to Jez and Lisa at Creative Breads. I mentioned yesterday that I might have to get something from them to take with me to the airport as I was flying into Dublin quite late. They had a surprise package for me at lunchtime today. I've just dipped into the box and found the fabulous picnic dinner: a couple of amazing veggie pasties, a noodle salad, a sandwich, a fruit salad, various cheeses and crackers, butter and syrup, some delectable delicatessen figs, plus cake and chocolate! I've just had a little taster. There is actually enough food here to feed me for a whole day. Thanks guys. You're the best. I feel so cared for.

PS I forgot to mention on my blip the other day that I enjoyed the best cheese sandwich of my life this week courtesy of these folk. Goat's cheese, Brie and Roquefort with Carrot Chutney and Salad. It's an incredible combination ... although possibly not to be had every day of the week!

PPS I just got to thinking that I was fairly late to adopt training shoes - at a time when the were designed and sold solely for training and racing. I actually ran my first marathon (back in 1978 and before the boom) in a pair of Woolworth's latest trend, a movement towards barefoot running is actually going back to where I started from, running close to the ground with the minimum of Plimsoles. And my first 100 mile race, the next year, was run in a pair of Dunlop Green Flash Tennis Shoes. I was always a bit of a maverick! Funnily enough, the latest trend, a movement towards barefoot running is actually going back to where I started from, running close to the ground with the minimum of cushioning.

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