Strike that. Reverse it!


Beautiful day!

The heart is a bloom, Shoots up through the stony ground.

Love this song by U2. Backblipping so I cant really recall much of yesterday apart from the sky, stunning. Walked out of work to this! How can you not smile when it looks as good as this. Didn't have my dslr with me, just my little Nikon but the moment was captured. That's why I love photographs, that frozen moment and memory.

I do know that I returned home to no phone line and no internet, yet another lengthy phonecall to BT. Stress levels soared. Less than 24 hours we had a working line! Little did I know that the mobile EE would follow suit! I had just thought of how Id get my blip up using my mobile when we lost our mobiles. It was like we had gone backwards in time. No mobile, phone or internet for an entire night. We had to talk to each other! Ended up being a good night and an early night which is a miracle for us. Here's hoping it happens again :0) Its amazing how reliant we are on these devices everyday. I know on ash Wednesday the priest suggested giving up ipads, phones, computers etc. I thought to myself he's crazy ;0) Now I'm thinking its not such a bad idea after all, certainly not crazy. I doubt I could last, but then isn't that what its about? ultimate sacrifice, a challenge.

Hope yesterday (Wednesday) was a good one for you all xxx

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