First of the daffs!

As we live at quite a high elevation we don't tend to be early with our daffodils, so I was delighted this morning to see that a few are now in flower.

Woke this morning to howling gales and heavy rain, and it stayed like that in the morning, but in the afternoon it all cleared away and we had blue skies and sunshine, although quite bitterly cold.

Went along to the dentist at the alloted time, only to discover that they had made a mistake and had not marked me in for today, only for the hygienist later in the month. However, they fitted me in later, though it did mean me going back and was a bit inconvenient. I wanted to get my filling over and done with though, and job done now, without any mishap. She's a great dentist, even though they are not my favourite people.

Having a stay at home night tonight, and a long phone chat with my super sister.

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