Team Building

Strange old day, in a good strange way, but for now I will mostly have to remain cryptic...

After taking the small 3 to school on their bikes for Sport Relief, I wandered very briskly to the Falmouth Sports Club for a 9.30 yoga class.

It was splendid. I am the youngest there by at least 30 years but was made very welcome and invited to join the rest of the group for coffee afterwards. I will need to do homework each week and catch up on current affairs though!

I then headed to Truro to meet my college tutor at Fat Club - having fallen off the wagon (8.5lbs over target), I need to climb back on again. We then had a very quick but very interesting lunch together before going our separate ways.

By the time I got to school, summer was over and we all got verywet (remember this mornings bikes?).

The blip is a challenge I set the children. As part of parenting class I made place mats for the children. Each has their photo in the middle than positive words/phrases that describe them. I was really surprised at their reaction to them, even the big 2. So tonight they are making one each for me and MrRoly. I might be a little bit nervous!

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