Mondo .....

..... in the market.

This afternoon I popped in to Leeds for a couple of hours to buy a few bits and pieces and to take a few photos. It was raining the whole time I was there which made getting street portraits a bit trickier but Mondo here, who works with Dave on the second hand tool stall in the market saved the day.

Modo ( also known as Raymond ) told me he isn't very photogenic and tried to give me his best mean face. Paul told me about his girlfriend he had when he was 19.

" She wasn't very photogenic, not a bad looking lass but she didn't photograph very well. She was better than having three blokes with you if you got in a fight though ".

The only other portrait taken today was of Marco in the Grand arcade, but today's blip is .....

..... Mondo in the Market.

More Leeds Market portraits.

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