An Unkindness of Ravens

By Nevermore

A visitor

Or maybe a resident?

This baby tiger snake was hiding behind some flower pots by the car port. I moved the plant pots to try to encourage it to move along, but I think it's probably still around the car port somewhere. It was about 30 – 40cm I reckon. Tiger snakes give birth to 20 to 30 live babies, so I hope the other 29 aren't also in my garden... At least it isn't a brown snake (2nd most venomous in the world – the tiger snake is only 6th).

There are some stinky Portugese millipedes also in the shot (having been hiding under the plant pot too) and one of those big "ugly bugs" – I have no idea what they are and as they don't appear to have any redeeming features, I'm not too keen to find out.


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